My love letter to Spring

One of my absolute favorite things about living in Seattle is that the MOMENT the weather clears up, and there isn’t a drop of rain coming from the sky, every single person is outside enjoying the sunshine. Springtime is a tiny little pocket that only lasts what feels like a few days up here. I took my favorite lens out on a walk with me (24mm F1.4 for those interested) and seeing the flowers, the water, the boats, and fellow Seattleites did not disappoint. I always put myself into a box when it comes to photography, only allowing myself into a specific niche. That niche being that I am a ✨ portrait photographer ✨ and nothing else. I’m only now realizing how limiting that is for me. And just like the sunshine up here in the Pacific Northwest, I can too, come out from hiding. 🌸


The Gormley’s